Saffron Walden County High School and Partner Primary Schools Summer School 2007

Every year our team work with Saffron Walden County High School to undertake a creative challenge which encourages students at the school and its partner primary schools to work together and engage with creative technologies. This year the challenge was as big as ever and involved all ‘groups’ taking part having to work together with

Cressing Primary School (Key Stage 1) Clay Animation with Six Year Olds

Hal MacLean and Matthew Eaves from the team spent the day with Class 2 at Cressing Primary School to undertake some experimental research into clay animation with six year olds. Mrs Harris and her classroom assistants were a great help throughout the day as fourteen six year old pupils took part. Click the above images

Rural Norfolk Federation

Hal and Matt have been working in schools across the North of Norfolk to embed WIKI’s into teaching and learning. The project is funded by the Rural Norfolk Federation and exists to use learning technologies to bring learners together online beyond school hours. The project will be showcased at the 2004 BETT Show on the

White Court School Students get creative at Ultralab in the first 30 minute film school

We experimented with a ‘One Hour Film School’ assisted by children from White Court School in Braintree, Essex. The plan was to find out if it was possible to teach how to use Apple’s iMovie software and Canon cameras in 30 minutes and for the children to then make a film without any adult help