Presenting learning for creative purpose and new and emerging technologies at Ultralab to Cambridge University Jesus College

Anglia Ruskin Unviersity’s Ultralab, the world class learning, technology and research centre was invited to present our work. Ultralab team members speak at conferences and seminars, we disseminate our research findings and radical action research projects to governments, corporations, charities and academics globally. Malcolm Moss and myself were kindly invited and headed to Jesus College

Ultralab's Lifeboats.TV project main project begins in Weymouth, Dorset 22nd and 23rd of January 2002

One year after the initial pilot in Burnham-on-Crouch we were off. Colin, Mark and Matthew headed to Dorset to meet and interview the Weymouth Lifeboat crew and their families. With 40 people to interview it was no easy task, we had to break up into three film crews to capture the footage. Pete Bradshaw from