CREATE AT BETT 2005 – Creative Norfolk and Essex Schools rule the show!

I’ve been so busy since returning from the 2005 BETT Show that I’ve not had a chance to write a full review of Ultralab‘s involvement in the show. 2005’s BETT show took place on Tuesday 11 January to Saturday 15 January 2004. Each year learning, technology & research centre Ultralab work on the ‘creativity stand’

Ultralab's Digital Creativity Project mentioned in Publication

This year saw the ‘SummerSchool’ and ‘Input CBBC’ projects quoted in a chapter written by Professor Stephen Heppell in Whither Assessment?, a QCA publication addressing how the educational community could improve the ways in which it assesses students. An extract coving the creative wins from SummerSchool: Here is an extract: LESSONS LEARNED: This annual feast