Goodbye Hidayah Amin, great to have you at Ultralab (1990-2006)!

For the past two weeks Hidayah Amin, a Media Producer from the Educational Technology Division at the Ministry of Education, Singapore has been placed with Ultralab (1990-2006) to collaborate and continue the long standing relationship between the Ministry and Ultralab (1990-2006). Malcolm Moss and Matthew Eaves of Ultralab (1990-2006) hosted the visit. Malcolm is working

CREATE AT BETT 2005 – Creative Norfolk and Essex Schools rule the show!

I’ve been so busy since returning from the 2005 BETT Show that I’ve not had a chance to write a full review of Ultralab‘s involvement in the show. 2005’s BETT show took place on Tuesday 11 January to Saturday 15 January 2004. Each year learning, technology & research centre Ultralab work on the ‘creativity stand’