APU Chelmsford Library – Thank you!

Thanks to the team from APU Chelmsford Library for coming together for an introduction to Ultralab (1990-2006) with Mark and myself today at 9:30 – 10:30.

Was really interesting meeting you, if you have any questions or thoughts regarding the technologies and projects we discussed, please add a comment below, or phone or email.

Have a great day!

One thought on “APU Chelmsford Library – Thank you!

  • mattheweaves
    November 1, 2006 at 12:29 pm

    Submitted by visitor on Mon, 05/23/2005 – 15:44.
    Great Talk, Its good to see that Ultralab (1990-2006) are still thriving and maintaining the work that they have done.

    I’m hoping that if I say something here that others will follow…..

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