Day 4 : Neenah, Wisconsin

Today is a really strange day, a real blast from the past. I’m writing this entry from the basement, of the Willis family house in Neenah, Wisconsin. Last time I was here, with Andrew was in 1997, when we travelled across the USA and Canada.

Day 4 Photo’s

Kevin from the Willis family stayed on an exchange with us in 1996, we stayed with him in 1997 and met Kara Schroeder, who stayed with us in 1998, we’ve stayed in touch ever since.

Kara gets married tomorrow, and we’re here, in Neenah to goto the wedding.

We left the motel this morning early, headed for a Subway breakfast and started the four hour drive. We stopped in a restaurant called ‘The Bog’ and had a hamburger meal, the restaurant had only been open for five days and we were the first English customers that they had ever had. Good munch.

We finally arrived in Neenah at around 5.15pm, arriving at the Willis house was strange, brought back so many memories of our last time here, all good ones of course, back then I was 17, now I’m 26 (spoken as 24 years and 24 months).

Nobody was home, so we changed on the driveway, called Shirley and met up with the families at a local hotel, they were practicing for the wedding nearby.

Seeing Shirley and Jim again was great, it was excellent to see Kevin arrive with his new wife. Meeting the Schroeder’s too was really nice, Kara’s getting married tomorrow to Brian White, the best of happiness to them both.

We had a really nice meal, and then headed back to the Willis house, it seems so so strange to be back here, like stepping back 8 years since we were last here. Feels like home. Andrew crashed on the floor straight away, I sat with Jim and Shirley and watched the wedding film of Kevin, their eldest son getting married, which was two weeks ago.

This is one of the nicest places in the world to be.

Thanks for making us feel so welcome.

Bring on tomorrow.

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